infiltrating iowa

Posted by on Apr 8, 2011

(The following has been reconstructed from top secret files and the memory of several key agents. Well, one in particular. We have reason to believe it is a reasonably accurate depiction of the sequence of events, if not an exact transcription of actual conversations and timelines. The phone lines and vehicles were not bugged at the time in question.)


It all started with a surreptitious call from an elderly secret agent in Donnellson, Iowa.

“Hi. Our pastor really likes your music, and we’d like to get her three of your CDs as a baby shower present. We want it to be a surprise. Can you get them out here by the weekend?”

Transaction completed. Parcel delivered. Surprise sustained. Mission accomplished.


“Hello. I’m a pastor in Donnellson, Iowa. I really like your music. If you’re ever coming through this area, please let us know – we’d love to have you come and do an event with our community.”

Operation phase 2, approximately 10 months later…

Morning assignment completed. Gathering with local chapter of agents in Iowa City… instructions deciphered from scripture, allegiances reaffirmed, all sent forth to continue the mission…

Sustenance attained (compressed energy via stacked noodles in lasagna formation, stimulating conversation, uproarious laughter, new connections and allies in the cause), rolling down the highway en route to rendezvous in Mount Pleasant McDonalds parking lot… anticipating transference of asset to agent in green Buick…

Positive identification on green Buick… approach initiated… transfer completed… next rendezvous: Donnellson.

Asset hustled into building… more compressed energy via stacked noodles… more conferring and connecting with co-conspirators… equipment checked, materials (digital discs, printed transcriptions) laid out in plain view… operation smalltallsongs awaiting signal, ready for launch…

…communication delivered and engaged… multiple agents deputized, equipped, mobilized, dispersed…

… subsequent multi-location operations initiated… awaiting further instructions…